Thursday, February 19, 2004

(#40) (Rated 5.00/5)

by RANIER ARMY ( on 02/19/2004 12:10:21 PM EST

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You are not going to believe it
I just returned from HELL!
I Woke up and filtered a stiff cup of joe and went down to the inner-BFA. You know, the heart of the city where the radical Deaniacs hang out in their eccentric garb uttering desperate words and beating the drums of change.
As I neared downtown on the south-central side of the BFA, I started to hear shouting and I smelled smoke. I turned the corner of Vermont and Wellstone and I saw it. There were hundreds of police standing as a human barricade. There were hundreds of cars flipped over burning. The crowds were throwing beer and wine bottles and brawling with the police. One large fire had 20-30 people chanting and crying and running around naked, they were screaming and swaying and holding hands.
I couldn't breath...the smell of fuel and the smoke watered my eyes. The BFA is torched and is burning to the ground. Tom Harkin is calling for order with a bullhorn. Al Gore has decided to declare an emergency...They laughed at him and his car was rushed by a violent crowd and his car was nearly tipped over. Someone reached in and ripped off the former Vice President's toupee. The Gore caravan barely escaped with the help of emergency military vehicles leading the way through the unruly masses. Bill Bradley was said to be holding a peace and love rally on the corner of Hemp and Maple at noon. Carol Mosely Braun was heard on a loudspeaker asking if she was going to be paid...I'm serious!
I stood on a pile of unburned crates and looked over a large crowd of fired up Deanies. To my amazement I noticed it was Howard himself! The ring-leader, the legend, the great Vermont uniter was screaming to all who would listen that the end was almost near. He shouted profanity and ripped off his shirt and beat his chest and let fly his greatest post-election primal scream you have ever heard! I was scared and concerned as the crowd started to go nuts. Howard rubbed mud all over his chest and poured a bottle of wine all over himself. Dean grabbed a stick that was still on fire and branded his stomach, and yelled with pain. He threw the stick into the crowd and people scrambled and fought to own the new prize. Dean nearly blew out the hastily erected P-A system with his crying. The crowd was swarming and getting too close. I had to run.
I saw media people being pummeled. Their cameras crushed and ripped apart, their vehicles rummaged through and then set afire. I couldn't save any of the poor souls.
I had my cup of joementum knocked out of my hands as I hurried toward a safe place. Someone selling hacky-sacks and black beads yelled at me for wearing my Clark04 shirt and shoved me. He backed off and ran toward a mass gathering at the front of a discovered gop office masked as an environmental agency. Looked like serious trouble was brewing. Someone was dragged out and handed to the crowd. I ran and ran faster...I had to jump piles of burning clothes and dodge through people who looked at me with a despair I haven't seen since thumbing through old National Geographic magazines on the Vietnam war. Their eyes splashed fear and suffering on me. One teen girl ran up to me and screamed bloody murder and cried for help while squeezing my arms. I was scared but I couldn't help to notice all of her tatoos up and down her legs and arms. I told her to sit down and calm down...I asked to look at her feet...I held her for a second but she ripped away and ran down the road leaving noticeable footprints from all the broken glass.
I ran as fast as I could up a grassy hill toward safety. Sirens squelched and ambulances roared past in every direction. I looked back down at the smoky scene, my heart pounding and my eyes were dry and scratched with soot...I could barely make out a set of clean, colorful vans coming from the north-west. I watched them stop and park right behind several ambulances. I noticed a man get out and start screaming about two for them and one for everyone else...I had to run faster to escape.
I'm glad to be my safe and sane CCN. Where the crowd only stirs after dark from time to time.
Sorry this was so long, it was terrible, simply the ugliest thing I have ever witnessed. God bless the is crumbling to the ground, as if nature had never intended for such a place....

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