Tuesday, February 17, 2004

To be honest, I'm not sure why it was....but there was a reason allright.......The facts are that he was never much discussed in the pundit circles.  Even when they were talking about the anti-Dean....it was always Gephardt.....never Clark.  It wasn't until the first week in January that they lightly decided that Clark "might" be the anti Dean.....after that it was "look at his poll numbers (Clark's), they are falling, falling".....they talked him down, they did.
But to be sure, Clark was ALWAYS left out of pundit conversations about nominees and the race....except a few, very few, times.  I remember because I was always so surprised when they would refuse to speak his name, as I was waiting to hear it.   I remember writing to Bill Press about it.  He said that Dean was the man!....with the money and the grassroots..... Wrote to Tom Curry about it (MSNBC), he said Dean had the Money, the organization and the grassroots........I wrote to Donna Brazile....she said Clark should not have opt out of Iowa......
So go figure....maybe it was the Clinton thing with the press, maybe it was as you suggest because Clark was a new Democrat, maybe it was because many knew that Clark could beat Bush so easily there would be no fun in it, maybe it was because Kerry was the chosen DNC/DLC candidate and they were not going to talk up Clark, maybe he was to prove what he could do with no help, maybe it was because he started late...and they thought..."how dare he".......maybe, maybe, maybe.....
So many reasons....none which really seem to take democracy into consideration.
Anyways, there certainly was a reason(s)...I just have not been made privy as to what it was....yet.

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