Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Here's some spit and vinegar:
"I am so thoroughly disgusted with the DNC and the DLC's attacks on Gov. Dean and the coronation of John Kerry by your talking heads, even though the vast majority of those voting for him don't care for his record or his policies. YOU have dragged this election into the gutter. YOU have BETRAYED the Democratic Base. YOU are the reason that more and more TRUE DEMOCRATS are LEAVING THE PARTY. YOU have manipulated the news to your benefit, excluding MILLIONS. MY VOICE IS MY OWN, and YOU WILL NOT USURP IT. I am not a rubber stamp for your talking heads. I have voted Democratic for most of my life, and given contributions in the past. Your failure to stand up for the rights of the PEOPLE to choose THEIR candidate stinks as badly as Florida 2000. I will NOT support the DNC/DLC financially or with my volunteer efforts. I will choose MY candidates and donate to them DIRECTLY with a check endorsed with a memo stating that the donation is made from a supporter of Gov. Howard Dean. YOU DON'T SPEAK FOR ME."

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