Friday, February 27, 2004

(#29) (Rated 5.00/1)

by Anonymous on 02/27/2004 03:41:17 PM EST

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I don't really understand roseba's issue, I guess. I saw several postings yesterday here about the response Clark was getting in California. The postings reported video and description on CNN.
I am not sure about whether roseba should "expect" this on the offical blog or not. I guess what roseba should expect to see here is whatever the bloggers collectively decide to post here. The blog may be official, but the content of the postings, whether individually or collectively, is in no sense official or representative of anything beyond that. It's a pretty good source for news about Clark, but it is highly variable and uneven in that regard. Some threads have more informational content than others and it changes from minute to minute. To find out everything you want to know you probably have to use Google News and/or Yahoo News and search using "Wesley Clark." And it doesn't hurt to check the other blogs. I have all these things bookmarked at work and just check around at odd times during the day. But we are obviously not an official clearinghouse for Clark news in any sense.
I'm not really sure what the question was getting at perhaps.
John in Houston

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