Wednesday, February 25, 2004

[new] (#232) (No rating)

by Charlotte Sweden (Charlotte-Sweden at forclark dot com) on 02/25/2004 10:54:50 PM EST

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Kay, in view of the deep spiritual importance you too have detected about your general, here are some of my thoughts that I´d like to share with you:

I have a very strong feeling that we are standing at a crossroads - will we reject this marvelous gift from the Higher Power, or will we choose to go down the dark road? Frankly, I´m worried. People appear to be asleep. I could go on and on about this! One thing I definitely sense is that we who are reacting this strongly to the General and who are so powerfully drawn to him with, what it seems, a tremendous sense of love and undying devotion, we are all in his "soul-group" - it´s no coincidence we have now all come together again, drawn by the soul who is the General. I believe we have all been together before, and that we have all loved and served him before. We will not fail! But will the rest of humanity choose light or darkness? We can only offer the gift, not force anyone to receive it. But I do believe we are all Wesley Clark´s spiritual army, come together again in these times when the world is right at the crossroads.

"The will to do, the soul to dare". Wesley Clark.

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