Thursday, February 26, 2004


by KayCeSF on 02/26/2004 11:03:26 AM EST

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OH MY GOD ... CNN!  Morning folks!  I just watched CNN and Bill Schneider had footage of huge crowds of people coming out in California for Wesley Clark!  He stated that Clark is bringing out a lot of people for Kerry, and that Clark (not Kerry) is extremely popular in California, that he has a son that is a screen writer there who had done a lot of campaigning for his father, and "let's not forget that Madonna endorsed Wesley Clark", but the point is, Wesley Clark is really bringing out the people for Kerry. Then they showed more quick footage of Clark shaking people's hands in California.  I said it on the blog last night, the more people meet, hear and see Clark, the more they are going to ask questions like, Why did he get out of the race so soon?  Why didn't he get more coverage?  Why did this amazing man get more votes?  Why .. Why ... Why!  Anyway, just had to share the news in case no one saw it.  It was very exciting!

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