Saturday, February 21, 2004

by ElizabethEnglish on 02/21/2004 09:02:58 AM EST

General Clark made it clear in his one and only official communication, through e-mail and then this site, that this in fact is the site from which he intends to carry on his message.
Lots of new people are posting who may not have felt comfortable doing so before....I don't know the whys and the wherefores, but transition is always hard, in any walk or happening in life, transition is the time that tests and strenghtens.
We have been left alone, for the time being, to "Tawk amongst owaselves"
Topic...get rid of Bush.
Meet and greet newcomers, get tougher, leaner and more focused.  Go back to the original purpose that brought us here, our mutual understnding that General Clark has what it takes to get Bush gone.
What form that process takes, will have to involve people like us.  I admire everyone for being here, new and old users, it matters not, shy and bold, it takes all kinds.
Have a good day all.  I have to rake leaves today, that have now stuck to the ground because they should have been attended to last fall, victims to the job of raking Bush out of our White House instead.
And to our little mascot Ramzey, soldier on little guy, you are our future.
Elizabeth in Greensboro

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