Tuesday, February 24, 2004

I didn't get online until about 1am CST tonight. I
had a chance to teach some high school students some
paleontology and even got to use the 'E' word several
times. I am awaiting the young earth lynch mob. What
the heck, PrezShrub thinks the jury is still out on
evolution and that the Earth is probably less than
10,000 years old. I always knew he was bright enough
to not let facts get in the way of opinion (and
I'm just glad we were able to bring the Kansas
School Board back from the cluthes of the Wicked Witch
of creationism.
Seriously, I couldn't wear my Clark Button in class,
but I had it on my windbreaker as I walked in and
draped it casually for display during my 2 hour
Several students asked me about it at the class
break and I simply told them to look up Clark at
Clark04 on the web.
Organization when subtle can be most delicious!
I really get more questions and encounter more open
minds, now that Clark has dropped from the race.
Every one thinks he should be VP. Ironically, I agree
Thanks for the kind comments on the site while I
was away warping young minds. They made my evening
(and cajoled me into another $25 donation). Does
anyone have any idea how much has been contributed so
far. I loved that train that went up to $700,000 for
the week before the Super Seven primaries.
I signed up for the Kerry Meet Up this Thursday and
was sent a message that they only had 4 respondees. I
know one of the others is a co-Clark organizer. Are
we going to have to do everything for them?
I will try to get my personal local organizing tips
together in an action file for Alexandra within a
couple days. My best advice is still WEAR YOUR
BUTTON!!!, smile and listen as they ask you about the
It soothes my savage breast!
Take care and I will try to get online at a decent
time later today.
Craig (paleoman) Sundell
Lawrence, KS

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