by Vicky (
Okay, so I'll talk to myself some. Went to bed but couldn't sleep. Have you ever tried counting politicians to fall asleep? Not smart! Probably a good way to get nightmares.
So, anyway, I start thinking about political things. And I'm thinking of that last question at the debate and Kerry's response. He WAS NOT enthusiastic about Edwards as a potential VP. When asked what qualities Edwards would bring to the table, he hemmed and hawed and finally replied that Edwards was charming and a great communicator - ah, a stab in the political heart - faint, damning praise - the political kiss of death! In other words, IMO, he said Edwards is a lightweight who would bring only superficial qualities. When pressed he said he admired and respected Edwards.
Contrast that with Kerry's words of praise for the General when the General endorsed him. And remember the look on his face and his demeanor with our man. Now pundits and pols say the VP has to "bring something to the table" and there is a lot of "horsetrading" going on. Various names have been floated as Kerry's potential VP, among them Gephardt. He's owed, it's felt, and he would bring the midwest. Well, some of the midwest is leaning Bush now according to in-the-field Clarkies and the CNN analysts. Problem is, Gephardt is not "charming" at all. A good, good man. But not charming. Lacking charm, in fact. Not good. Then we've heard Edwards (hope not!), Cleland (a possibility, though I think he would serve Kerry and himself better in another position), Graham (a little too old and quirky, though I adore him), Richardson (doesn't strike me as a president, not at all - any military experience)? Richardson could help in the southwest. And others, candidates that is.
Then there's Clark and we've discussed the qualities he'd bring to the table often! They are legion. But I was thinking of that CNN map shown on television today. Arkansas - leaning Bush. The General could change that - and that, in itself, could change the election IF Bush won all the states he won the last time around (well, I personally don't think he WON Florida!), with the exception of Arkansas, that might swing the election . But I also think a heavy medal Kerry-Clark ticket would do well in Arizona and Nevada, both leaning Bush There could be some additional surprises. Maybe even New Hampshire according to recent polls! More states in the south would be great, certainly. And there's a better chance of winning some there with Clark than Edwards once the primaries are over and we're voting BIG TIME, for real and for four years. So, IMO, there are some geographical advantages, among so very other advantages, to having Clark on the ticket.
That being said, I'm not going to hold my breath in anticipation. I know the General will do well, whatever he chooses to do. He's one helluva man!
This being said, and now out of MY MIND and onto the blog, I can leave it here and go to bed with an empty mind. I don't mean to imply I'm coming here to unload my trash! Well, I guess I've been guilty of that as well.
Friday, February 27, 2004
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