Tuesday, February 17, 2004

I agree with Leah.....
I followed the press very closely since September 17th...
Even gave a speech on the power of the media and elections (so prophetic looking back, I scare myself)...during the Clark candidacy announcement celebration in the EastBay (CA)
....it was filmed (I signed the release).
The media, this time round, was bolder than I had ever expected.....
Ask yourselves, before placing blame on Clark........
How is it that we went to war in Iraq?
Millions all over the world, including in the US....took to the streets to say NO.
The French said NO, the Germans said NO, the Russians said NO,  Mexico said NO, Canada said NO, The United Nations said NO, the Weapons Inspectors said NO, heck even more had said NO in the US initially......
...but we went....
How could that be?
I remember the media reporting on French wine being spilled into the streets....I remember the media reporting everyword that maligned the UN....I remember the big news story and the ridicule..the French Fries renamed, the jokes on Jay Leno....I remember it all. 
How did we allow the impeachment of the sitting President (Clinton) when times were really good?
How did we allow the Florida mess to be decided in the Supreme Court.....and then were told to get over it?
How did California elect a Governor like Arnold?
If you answered the media....then you understand that they are the ones who decide......we do not. 
If the nominee was decided because of electibility.....ask yourselves why Clark is not still left standing instead of Edwards..........This is not about how Clark campaigned......this is about who was chosen for us.
Maybe blaming the media is frightening, because we have so little power against it........
But that's who's running things primarily...whether we want to accept it or not.

----- Original Message -----
From: Leah Faerstein
To: UnitedForClark@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2004 12:10 PM
Subject: Re: [UnitedForClark] Re: Grassroots and professionals

if you want to blame Clark for what the media did to him, you lost me.
people have a duty to get informed. He went to town halls. put it on the website, went to debate, had press conferences and terrific speeches. Your eyes glazed over - your loss and also the loss of the people in this country. Your brain: use it or lose it. Rove played all dems who refused to think - please don't blame Clark for this.
We don't have a democracy anymore, our voices are not allowed in the political discourse. And when I say "our" I mean Clark as well. THEY pick whose voice gets heard.
I lived under a dictatorship once - this looks pretty close.
You fail to see the signs, your right. Just don't blame the one guy who tried to tear the system down for the system's faults.
Too bad you didn't listen to Clark. You might have heard this:

Drawing loud cheers, Clark called the Bush White House the "most closed, secretive, nasty administration" he knew of. "I think they're a threat to democracy itself with its control of the media."
"the media's shutting out voices of dissent in this country."
Wes Clark

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