Thursday, February 19, 2004

(#285) (No rating)

by Clearsky on 02/19/2004 02:08:27 PM EST

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Religious issues, especially those having to do with fundamentalist religious issues, are THE major themes in recent and current elections in the United States.
And tickets to this movie are being bought up in blocks and even given away by conservative religious groups and churches. And so, one need not have to think very hard to answer the question re why this movie is a topic of many messages on a blog devoted to political matters in the United States.
Most here appear to be of moderate religious views and practices, as is General Wes Clark and his wife. While some are not, and some are soundly non-religious, the political aspects of current politics has to be considered by anyone wanting to be effective in political action in the U.S.
That's the straightforward, polite answer.

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