(#129) (Rated 5.00/7)
by Lesbian from Minnesota (Lesbian from Minnesota@forclark.com) on 02/14/2004 01:30:08 PM EST
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Representative Betty McCollum's coffee and donuts for Clark supporters was enlightening. It was great seeing Ocelot again. Someone took a group picture and you will see a portrait of 30-40 people at Minnesota for Clark sometime soon.
Important points were brought up by Betty McCollum and by Cheryl Poling (Minnesota Chair for Clark):
1. Betty spoke to Wes on Wednesday. He and Gert were going to take a week vacation in the sun.
2. Wes will be working very hard to change the WH leadership. Even if we don't see him on C-Span, just know that he is addressing important groups. An example she gave was: Cincinatti Chamber of Commerce. After his break Kerry's campaign will let Wes know where to go. He will focus on National Security and Foreign Affairs but will address other issues as he sees fit.
3. Wes feels the support for him is strong and true. That he was giving voice to many different types of people, including those who wouldn't necessarily feel comfortable aligning themselves with liberal democrats: independents, republicans, swing voters.
4. During a conference call to state organizers, Clark said he wanted to keep his supporters as a unit. He asked that the databases be kept. He wants his people to support Kerry as they feel comfortable, but he doesn't want them to fold into the Kerry campaign. Buttons are being planned: Clarkies for Kerry, or something to that effect. So let's stay together.
5. The day after Clark won Oklahoma and took second in the West (Arizona and New Mexico) and North Dakota, it was clear that the race was between Kerry and Clark. The media insisted that it was Kerry vs Edwards. And it got very difficult to get new financial supporters.
6. Just like we should stay together, the Congressional Representatives for Clark moved in a block to Kerry. Apparently, they all signed a letter which was presented to Kerry in Wisconsin.
7. We should wait for a month before starting a drive to make Clark VP or Secretary of State. If we do it now, it won't be as strong. It will look like it was just done because he dropped out of the race. Keep posted on this.
8. Clark could be great in many, many roles in a Kerry administration. Right now he is going to focus on beating George Bush. He says that this is more about him. It is getting a higher standard of leadership in the White House.
I felt more and more relieved as the meeting went on. Keep together!
-- Michelle
Saturday, February 14, 2004
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