Wednesday, February 11, 2004

(#161) (No rating)

by caseyscrib on 02/11/2004 12:03:08 AM EST

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Dear General Wesley Clark,
I have recently heard from CNN and several other sources that you plan to drop out tomorrow afternoon.  I would like to thank you for everything you have given to this country.  I am assuming that dropping out was a decision influenced by your family.  Nothing can be put in front of family, and I respect that.  I would also like you to know that you are the first candidate who I have ever felt a personal connection with.  While I would urge you to reconsider, I think you have already made up your mind.
Thank you for showing me, and all of your supporters, the path to a better America.  I think that even though you have not gained as many votes as John Kerry, you have shown many of us just how biased the media and other organizations can be.  With this message, I can only hope we will start to fix America.  SIR, YOU WOULD MAKE AN EXCELLENT LEADER TO DO SO.  It is very disappointing to see that America is not yet ready to fix itself.
Thank you for your courage, support, and patriotism.  You will always remain a hero in my book.
Best wishes,
Casey C. Eyring
Windham, NH

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