Sunday, February 15, 2004

(#169) (No rating)

by Robbedvoter (Robbedvoter at forclark dot com) on 02/15/2004 09:11:03 AM EST

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What makes it harder to fend it off here is the infotainment - the spoonful of sugar.
Propaganda back there was dry, heavy handed and boring. No one read the paper if only for the sports. "You lie like a newspaper" was a common expresssion ( the used car salesman equivalent)
    Faux, NYT perfected the indoctrination to a T - like when they disparage Clinton on the Simpsons - what defense is there for a young mind?
We need to help people separate: what's subversive/what's establishment. They blurr the lines bu controling government and railing against it at the same time. We need a pulpit - we have plenty of smart people to deliver the message.

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