Wednesday, February 11, 2004

(#178) (No rating)

by Colonel X on 02/11/2004 12:06:11 AM EST

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A brief window of hope for the future of this country existed over the past five months.
That window has now been slammed shut.
I think we know what running a liberal Massachusetts Senator against an incumbent President is going to get us in the fall, so I don't even have to dwell on it.
People in the future are going to look at those of us who had a chance to stop the country from running off the rails in 2004 and think we were complete lunatics (as Democrats) not to run Wesley Clark against the Bush machine when we had the chance.
So in the next four years, when we march into Syria and Iran and God knows where else, when our national debt tops $1 trillion and hands our children a bankrupt nation, those (evidently few) of us who saw the light will get little satisfaction from knowing how right we were.
I've been reading a great deal about the Spanish Civil War lately and the metaphor stands--this is the first confrontation with true evil in this country, and only a handful of volunteers have had the bravery to stand up and fight just as they did against Fascism before Fascism was recognized for what it truly was. The run-of-the-mill Democrats are nothing but Bush's lackeys--voting with him, supporting him at every turn. And we're the cannon fodder.
Wes Clark was the candidate who could've delivered the victory. Instead, the abyss of Bush yawns wide...
I'm saddened for the Clarks and everything they went through from the media during this campaign, but I'm even more frightened by 4 more years of George Bush and what that could mean for this country. We're unrecognizable as a nation now--cowering in fear of "alerts", lashing out against the world--what will four more years bring?
Our last, best hope just walked out the door of that hotel ballroom in Memphis.

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