Wednesday, February 11, 2004

(#189) (No rating)

by Kilo Foxtrot on 02/11/2004 12:08:13 AM EST

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Late February of 2003, I signed a petiton to draft General Wesley Clark (and his mother lode of intellect, talent, and spirit) into service for a nation in dire need of outstanding leadership.
Mid-July of 2003, I took a deep breath and prayed that Clark would become the President of the United States of America  - then I blew out the candles on my birthday cake.
September of 2003, General Wesley Clark answered the call for me and tens of thousands more just like me. We all starting working hard to put him in a place where he could do the most good for the country.
Tuesday, February 10, 2004...
None have worked harder than Wesley Clark, his amazing wife Gert and his terrific son, Wes Jr. They gave us everything they had to give.
Wes Clark took up the issues I cared about and he gave me a voice. For the first time in my political life there was a candidate who spoke my American soul.
I am prouder today than I've ever been of Wesley Clark. He's a class act - through and through.
I realize now that winning the nomination and then the presidency was more on my wish list. But just being heard and having a candidate so closely reflect my values - that was my need. Wesley Clark answered that call for me and many, many more besides. For a few brief months, I was relevant to this country's discourse through Wesley Clark. I will spend the rest of my life being grateful for it.
I want to thank all of you too. I can't tell you how often I'd felt utterly alone in my deep concern for this great nation. Just knowing you're out there - somewhere - will bring me cheer when I'm down again.
We all put up one hell of a good fight. I'd go to war with you people again any day!
Thank you General Clark - from the bottom of my heart. May your Lord bless you and keep you near.
With greatest affection for you all,
Kilo Foxtrot
(aka Kimberley Fox)

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