Sunday, February 15, 2004

Another Clarkie burns and crashes at the Kerry site
Can anyone send contact info for the person(s) in charge of coordinating volunteers at the Kerry campaign?  I've tried several of the e-mail addys at the Kerry site, but have gotten nothing but lame auto-replys. I have also talked to some local Kerry-ites, and they seem to be just floating along on their own, w/o much (if any) coordination from the National.
Part of me is gratified by the knowledge that the Clark draftroots was way out in front in terms of structure and communications. The other part of me is terrified by the suspicion that the disarray I see here in NW Arkansas is indicative of the situation elsewhere. If this is true, we had better quit our squabbling and organize, organize, organize!  Otherwise, you had better get ready for the national disaster that will come with another 4 years of Duh-bya!
Dry your eyes. Dress your wounds. Then get back in the fight! We're burnin' daylight!

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