Tuesday, February 10, 2004

*Good bye, hope for the future*

"The Vision Thing" - Captain Kirk on the bridge Story score: · Remove from Hotlist
By Robbedvoter [Add to my Buddy List]
Posted to Robbedvoter's weblog on Sun Jan 11th, 2004 at 06:32:20 PM EST

Ok. I confess. I am a trekkie. I've been an overly obsessed one for years and always got goosebumps when Captain Kirk talked about the human aspiration to know the universe and the triumph of the human spirit.

There was a poignant moment in the first Trek movie. Kirk showed up to deliver the mission to his crew. Hundreds of trekkies hired as extras spontaneously applauded as he appeared on the bridge. Which, if you ignore the silly pijamas they were all wearing, was quite memorable.

So there I was in my purple hat an boa covered in buttons ready for a similar emotional experience at the new Hampshire college yesterday.

Wesley Clark took command of the room the moment he entered. His own intensity and the draft people's enthusiasm made it happen.
By the time he started to speak the college audience was in the palm of his hands. (my mindset made me belong there, regardless of age)

And thus we were treated to his 100 years vision - put together way before he was a candidate and campaigning became his daily reality.

This was no stump speech. There were no notes, no cue cards.There was only passion - because this was truly his reason for running: to stir this nation onto the path to that future we all dreamed of (trekkies had built an entire mythology around it).

A future in which illness, poverty and prejudice are history.

A future where we have peace by simply being who we are rather than by puffing our chest to intimidate others.

A future where education, science and arts will flourish, and the final frontier will be the triumph of the human spirit over its past limitations.

When I was watching those Star Trek stories I wanted to be beamed up into that wonderful 21st century. yesterday, for the first time I felt that the path to it is within my grasp.

So, I don't care what myth you've been wrapping your dreams for the future. All of you out there who have the dream, this is the time to start working on it.

This is the crossroads where we pick the course: to boldly go where no man has gone before vs the Death Star.
This is the time.
This is the man.
This is the speech http://www.clark04.com/speeches/027/

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