Sunday, February 15, 2004

Kerry coasting

What you see in AR is pretty much the way it is in most of the country. In
terms of grassroots, Kerry has nothing comparable with us or Dean and what
he does have is disjointed -- nothing like CAT or Clark'sArmy etc.

When Kerry did his primary blitz into MO, his campaign handled the
advertising but it was the MO Dem party (functionally speaking), local
mayors and their organizations etc that handled everything else. The guy
who was the campaign director actually works for the Dem party and took a
two week leave of absence to handle the Kerry effort and he is now back with
the party and their campaign headquarters' shut down.

I will be speaking with him either tomorrow or Tuesday and I also have a
querry in to Kerry's Virgina co-chair who is on the Veterans for Kerry
board. You might contact AR state Dem party for in-state Kerry contacts but
at present he would have no campaign structure there.

Kerry has pretty much relied on veterans, paid phonebankers and local Dem
party structures up to now.

So I think Clark has a great deal of leverage with this.


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