Saturday, February 14, 2004

[new] (#236) (No rating)

by Anonymous on 02/14/2004 11:27:20 AM EST

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Like tens of thousands of Clark supporters, I am crushed by his withdrawal from the 2004 Democratic presidential primary.  But, like a good soldier, I see this as a mere tactical retreat.  The war for a brighter future for America goes on.
Obviously, the drive to defeat George Bush & Dick Cheney this fall is our first concern.  Beyond that, however, I would urge that Clark supporters:
(1)    Gather at the next scheduled meet-up to discuss the future
(2)    Keep the dialogue going (apparently underway with the creation of
(3)    Organize so that we lobby for change in election laws in all states, including the following election law reforms -
    (a)    Require primary elections in all states (no caucuses) and regulate their conduct and timing so that we have no more front loading of the primary season AND fair, accurate tabulations
    (b)    Prohibit the publication of public opinion polls for ten days before an election
    (c)    Reserve for those candidates who reach a given threshold - such as the contribution threshold for obtaining public financing - a certain amount of time each day on cable television public access channels
(4)    Be available to support Wes in future political endeavors!!!!!
(5)    Help recruit/support candidates in the Wes mold (In other words - create a political action committee, but pledging not just our money, but our time, talent, and energy too.  Ben Chandler & Charlie Rangel are tops for support right now, it appears.)
(6)    Use the power of the Internet to build an alternative information source - since the electronic media, in particular - served the primary process so poorly
If at all possible, I hope the campaign will inform all individuals on the email distribution list of the ongoing activity through and the new Internet site.  
Check out as well the Reform Institute,, a bipartisan effort to reform the electoral process.  

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