Wednesday, February 11, 2004

[new] (#247) (No rating)

by Tielsch (Tielsch at forclark dot com) on 02/11/2004 12:18:29 AM EST

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Everyone is so eloquent tonight.  But I'm not at eloqent yet.  My grief is too great.
Sandy, Ian, I agree with you.  Something about this doesn't feel quite right.
What no one has mentioned is that there is great joy in the White House tonight.  I fear that this will be the day that marks the re-election of George Bush.
I voted for General Clark almost 1000 times.  Every dollar, every letter, every phone call was a vote for me --a desperate attempt to bring back democracy in this country.
I used to say to my kids, "Just a minute, sweetie, Mommy's busy trying to help save democracy.
I appreciate everyone's eloquence.
I am sorry that I am just so sad right now.

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