Wednesday, February 11, 2004

(#212) (Rated 5.00/2)

by AllyCat on 02/11/2004 12:11:29 AM EST

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I'm feeling really sick. This was a worst case scenario I NEVER expected and I agree with Sandy that it seems sort of...not right. I haven't even seen the results yet as I was at work all night. Don't care to look at this point either.
The DNC will NEVER get one ounce of support from me again. Nor will I support the Republicans. I crossed over here from the Greens, knowing full well that getting Bush out of office was the best possible thing for the planet. Now that is not going to happen.
I've learned so much from volunteering for this campaign because Wes inspired me to strive for more all the time. On that momentum, I am going to become more active in the policies near and dear to my heart: clean air, clean water, alternative fuels, organic farming, and my new crusade...election fraud.
And, I am going to vote for Howard Dean on Tuesday because at least he has a clue and hasn't sold his soul. Never thought I would hear myself say that, but Kerry is SO awful and the DNC is so wimpy-assed that I have to look at someone who actually believes in something. And that is Howard Dean.
I've enjoyed talking with all of you and I have learned so much from every one of you here. Logging into the blog is like having coffee with friends and has seriously taken away some really good studying time :)
This country does not deserve Wes Clark. If they want to stick their heads up their butts, then far be it from me to dig it out for them. Perhaps, we can go for some election reform, voter education, and get it done in time for Clark 08.
You are all the best. Hopefully, we'll still be able to talk for awhile.

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