Wednesday, February 11, 2004

(#216) (No rating)

by Kramer (Kramer at forclark dot com) on 02/11/2004 12:13:19 AM EST

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Sandy, my sweet Sandy--
Please, lets not call Little Rock and disturb them tonight.  They are sad, too, I am certain.
If it weren't true, it would have been corrected by now.
Keep this in mind, please:  General Clark is a gentleman, and a gentleman always knows when to leave.
WESLEYIN2004--I can't call phone is acting funny.  Rings and rings, but no vocal out.
Lara and Leah--I love you both--you are awesome, strong, and powerful women.
From my understanding, General Clark had more than one phone conversation with Senator Kerry tonight. Edwards certainly shouldn't count his chickens just yet.  

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