Wednesday, February 11, 2004

(#218) (Rated 5.00/1)

by aymlam79 (aymlam79 at for clark dot com) on 02/11/2004 12:13:25 AM EST

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Dear General Clark,
I am very sad to hear that you are dropping out of the race. Before you entered, I had never volunteered for a presidential campaign before. Although we have never met, your words and actions inspired me to get involved in ways that I never thought possible.
Everyone here on the blog knows that you are the best person for President, it's just too bad that the rest of the electorate couldn't realize this sooner.
I will not forget the reason why I came to your campaign, and that is to get rid of Bush and to move our country forward. I believe that everybody in this virtual community has gathered here for a reason.  Whatever happens to us, wherever we decide to go from here, we are committed to making this happen.
It has been wonderful getting to know the people in this community, to read everybody's blogs (when I should have been working). It has been an honor and a privilege to volunteer for your campaign. I know that you will not give up on our country. Thank you for all that you have done for us.
Amy Lam (aka aymlam79)
Dublin, CA

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