Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Amy Lam (aka aymlam79)
Dublin, CA

(#217) (No rating)

by diablo on 02/11/2004 12:13:21 AM EST

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The people made their choice and they chose the Washington Insiders, Kerry and Edwards.  If just half of those who voted for Edwards in TN had voted for Clark instead, what a difference it would have made to this whole race.  Instead, they chose a slick lawyer rather than a proven leader.  So I guess all along people really wanted 'business as usual' or 'politics as usual' to continue.  It didn't matter much to people that Clark is a brilliant guy with a long history of leadership.  It didn't matter that Clark is an experience diplomat.  It didn't matter that Clark has a progressive domestic agenda.  Democrats had a chance to elect a real leader and they chose not to.    
This Independent says, 'bye, bye Democrats, see you in 2008.  Maybe.'     

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