Thursday, February 05, 2004

CNN vs Clark Story score: · Remove from Hotlist
By Robbedvoter [Add to my Buddy List]
Posted to Robbedvoter's weblog on Mon Jan 5th, 2004 at 05:30:51 PM EST

Exhibit A: CNN is told by the White House to get rid of Clark

Meet the Press, Nov 16, 3003:
Russert:You then later in Phoenix Radio, talked about the White House trying to get you kicked off CNN, but you said, "Well, you know, it was only rumor."

"And should you be more precise in talking about the White House and about Secretary Rumsfeld, and calling CNN and having you removed as an analyst?
and later:
MR. RUSSERT: But there's no evidence the White House tried to get you removed from CNN as an analyst?

GEN. CLARK: Well, I haven't presented any evidence, because were I to present that evidence, people would be in trouble. So...

MR. RUSSERT: There is evidence?

GEN. CLARK: Well, I mean, there's what I know and the person that told me about it. But I'm under no obligation to present that evidence. I know what happened, and if I hadn't been confident that that had happened, I wouldn't have said it."

Lou Dobbs even jumped the gun and stated that Clark was fired by CNN for being too political - as his future intentions showed. He swallowed his words upon finding out that Clark left CNN when he decided to consider running.

Exhibit B

AOL/Time Warner CEO's second top contributor to * D's campaign
I tried to figure out the reasons here:

One had only watch Paul Begala join Robert Novack in attacking Anthony Weiner who came to speak on behalf of Clark to figure the memo of the day.
      That is, if the continuous blackout didn't give you a clue before.

Prosecution rests.

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