Friday, February 06, 2004

I want the neighbor's goat to die
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By Robbedvoter [Add to my Buddy List]
Posted to Robbedvoter's weblog (Soapbox) on Tue Jan 6th, 2004 at 11:54:21 AM EST

After hearing Clark's amazing tax proposal, I went to DU to post it. The reactions were straight from the Simpsons episode from the night before:
"Sure, shaft us childless people again!" "Breeders take all" "Clark is no different than Bush - catering to the "but what about the children" crowd.
"But what about me? I spent a lot of money on my dog's surgery and I love him as much as they love their children"
    A while ago, in the same forum, I asked why sould I vote for * D who would increase my taxes. The same people, after running out of arguments (no small business, no medical insurance) called me a jerk for being so selfish and enabling W by not accepting to pay more money to have * D instead.
   Now the same high minded citizens,  were throwing a fit not because a tax increase was on the horizon for them, but because someone else, not them, would get a cut
    Clever DU-er DTH started a thread: "Single, childless people, what kind of cut is * D giving you? Crickets chirped for a while, then someone announced that the Dean camp agreed: No one should get cuts!
That led me to the title of this entry - which comes from a tale from my old country . It was the answer to a magic question: what is your dearest wish?

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