Saturday, February 14, 2004

How interesting! I've been singing this song since even before the General (the old man :) announced his withdrawal from the race. Wes Clark has earned the same kind of loyalty that the retired officer in White Christmas (Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney, and oops...forgot the other woman - Vera ?).
Speaking for myself (though, at 67, living in an isolated area, in poverty, health problems - I can't follow physically -- but I have connections through the computer, and I'm a writer), as long as Wes Clark is out there, I'll be following his lead to the best my circumstances allow.
There's one BIG reason why I like Clark -- because he believes in the same values and the same solutions to problems, the same cooperative efforts, that I've held for years! I didn't have any way to influence the world with them on my own - so I like having a big team and a great leader who can - and will "putting the shoulder of my abilities to the wheel" to help.
rural north Missouri (great place to live, but lowest economically for a long time)

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