Saturday, February 14, 2004

Thank you, thank you for letting me read that message.
I think the thing that has been the most frustrating
is not knowing what is going on. I felt so informed
and "inside" of things to some degree during the
campaign. Since the bow-out, I've felt adrift. I have
this new found "LOVE" and passion to change our
country. I've been a demo since RFK. I still have me
VIVA Kennedy bumper sticker. I feel that I have been
awakened to a new cause, new potential, new hope. Our
20 years old and 16 1/2 years son's future is
extremely important to me. The environment, the
supreme court rulings, the direction in which our
country is going...WE MUST BE A NATION THAT GIVES,
GIVES TO OTHERS WHO HAVE LESS. We are not just rich
in things, but rich is liberties and freedom and
I can't believe I have found in Clark the person who
most speaks my heart's desires. I'm thrilled and
prepared to do what I have to to make OUR cause a
Thank you for giving me some information that I can
put start making a map of this new journey we about to
embark on.
I'm Hispanic, I'm the daughter of the Amercian Dream,
I'm passionate, and I VOTE!!!
Thank you again
Kind Regards

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