Sunday, February 15, 2004

[new] (#130) (No rating)

by Clearsky on 02/15/2004 05:06:50 AM EST

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The Road Ahead: General Wes Clark's Feb.11 2004 Statement on Future Plans. 
"Finally, let me say this:
I'm going to fight on, and I hope you will join me, until we win the campaign to create a new vision for America in the twenty-first century. Because I believe America's best days lie ahead. Today, I end my campaign for the presidency - but our party's campaign to change America is just beginning. And folks, this old soldier will not fade away. I'll be in the field and out in front, working the issues, supporting our candidates, and doing all I can to contribute to building a new and better America.
Thank you, God bless you, and God bless America. " --- Wesley Clark

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