Saturday, February 14, 2004

[new] (#242) (No rating)

by ElizabethEnglish on 02/14/2004 10:54:31 PM EST

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Now I have found my voice.
General Clark is like Peter Pan....all possibility,ingenuity and forward thinking
John Kerry is like Captain Hook....thinks he is those things, but can only offer a poisoned cake trying to trick everyone into eating it.
General Clark is like a Mercedes.....sensibly sized, sleek and understated, sturdy, reliable and worth the investment.
John Kerry is like a Hummer.....over sized, out of balance with it's surroundings, over priced and a conduit to buyers remorse when the fuel bills mount up.
General Clark is the neighbor that means it when he invites you to drop by any time.
John Kerry is the neighbor that invites you over, then is obviously uncomfortable when you show up.
General Clark attracks people with open hearts and warm minds.
John Kerry attracks people like the ones at church that think they should run everything.
All of these things, I do not know for sure.  I cannot say I know either of these men personally.
But I do know that it took Wes Clark, up on a stage with John Kerry, to make Kerry seem worth voting for.  Even so much smaller then Kerry, Wes looked the larger to me.
Wes is Peter Pan.  He has the magic dust, and Kerry only has the cake.....that he didn't even bake himself.
I am going back to my life as it was before the glory days, wishing I could have remained aloof to it all, but knowing I could not have.
That Wes captured the imagninations of so, so many, is testament enough for me that I am not crazy in my feelings, hopes and dreams.
Elizabeth in Greensboro

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