Sunday, February 15, 2004

[new] (#144) (No rating)

by Robbedvoter (Robbedvoter at forclark dot com) on 02/15/2004 07:56:11 AM EST

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I know. That's why we need to both get in the future the party machine AND perfect alternative means of bypasing the media (we did something with e-blocks - but it needs to be larger in scope and more effective.) We have our work cut up for us.
As Clark said:
"This election is not about health care, or even about Iraq. It's about democracy. And we will not let Bush steal our democracy away from us."

(#143) (No rating)

by MTS (MTS at forclark dot com) on 02/15/2004 07:25:10 AM EST

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Not very comforting at all.
I think our job should be to somehow inform an uninformed electorate. People feel they are doing their patriotic duty by voting yet do not bother to do their own research and just vote with the media's choice. They might as well stay home.

(#142) (No rating)

by Robbedvoter (Robbedvoter at forclark dot com) on 02/15/2004 07:19:03 AM EST

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Good points.
It also appears from what I read about that blog that none of it was grassroots
All the Kerry victories so far were media/party made - no supporter broke any sweat over it. How comforting is that?

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