Sunday, February 15, 2004

[new] (#154) (No rating)

by ElizabethEnglish on 02/15/2004 08:24:50 AM EST

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I read somewhere recently, it was a good source though, that the Kerry campaign made it clear that they did not want any kind of "grassroots" support, that it was not needed, so nobody need apply, so to speak.
Very cold indeed, and for me illustrates well the coldness of that campaign that bothers me.
Like I said last evening, the Kerry campaign to me, feels like being in a church full of people that have all of the plum volunteer positions taken, and they smile and say they are so happy to have you at their church, but when you try to get involved, you hit the cold stone wall and end up feeling confused and marginalized.
I don't know waht Sandy's news is, but I am going to try and not think about it.  I do not have the kind of emotional head set necessary to stick my neck out again so soon.
I like thinking about Wes on the beach, planning away.  I will never, ever doubt him and his abilities, and his caring for what happens to our country.  A person simply cannot fake the aura that he has, and I have seen this up close enough to know it is real.  He fills the room with good vibes.  I am sorry, but Kerry makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.  This is a warning to me that has served me well. The only time it did not happen was the endorsement speech, when Wes's shine enveloped Kerry's tarnish.
By the way, the endorsement speech will not run on the c-span site.  It says speech no longer available.  Big surprise.
I have a ton of yard signs and color  Wes flyers that were given to me during that ill fated trip to Danville Va.
Anybody needs them, just say the word and I'll send them.
Elizabeth in Greensboro

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