Saturday, February 14, 2004

[new] (#220) (Rated 1.00/1)

by MDP (MDP at forclark dot com) on 02/14/2004 10:45:07 PM EST

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(Feel free to keep this below the radar with a "1."...)
Man oh man, the Kerrybloggers have managed to insult not only me, but Clark luminaries like CatM and Kramer -- they know not what they do!!!
They're like a bunch of old folks saying, "How dare you tell us about your new-fangled gadgets, our TV antenna works just fine and we LIKE it, dagnabbit!! Remote controls could limit freedom of speech and we LIKE arguing with trolls! Censorship of trolls could be used to hurt Senator Kerry!!" yadda yadda -- unbelievable!!
There are one or two thinkers there... It's hard to take until the format makes it easier to avoid the rest.

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