Saturday, February 14, 2004

[new] (#216) (No rating)

by CentralMinnesota ( on 02/14/2004 10:43:36 PM EST

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Kramer, I put my toe in on the Kerry site earlier today..  You are so right in that the Blog is not welcoming and does not encourage calls to action.  My eyes are sore after reading the tiny print and my bifocals need adjusting.  The only posts about $ contributions were from Clark supporters, used to our format, none at all from long=time Kerry supporters.  There were no calls for or statements about efforts at phone calling etc.
You can't track conversations or refer someone to a particular post. The current Kerry blog and forum with no easy link between the 2 will not facilitate efforts to motivate or inform voters.
Folks asked questions and no one answered them, just general go to the "____" page and look it up.  I can't remember the times I came in after a conversation saying, "I need info on _____, quick!" and almost immediately someone had a quote or a link for me.
You did your best, but I don't know if anyone is listening.
I not registering over there because the format is so unfriendly, feel free to post this over there if you think it would help.
It sure would feel more welcoming if at least one suggestion from a Clark democrat was responded to with, "That is a great idea! I'm contacting everyone I know in the campaign about this!"  Oh well.

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